The Expert Author Community is a 6-month container comprising course/curriculum, coaching and connections with industry professionals and other authors.

And it’s all designed to help action-takers who are ready to write, publish and market a brand-building book
. while feeling supported as they do it.


Key Dates

  • Review the Program Guide Today | Coming soon!
  • Community Book Launch | Watch here!
  • Applications open 1st November 2024 | Express Interest
  • Open House 21st November 2024
  • Intake starts 6th December 2024

If you want to start conversations, grow relationships, create legacies and ultimately build the value of your brand and business...

Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element

...you already know that you need to write a non-fiction book.

And the beautiful thing is that you’ve already got most of what you need to write a memorable, reputation-building book.

You already:

  • Transform minds, lives and businesses through the power of your approach (whether you even realise you have a methodology or not).
  • Help your clients get real results.
  • Have something you want to contribute.

And you don’t need to:

  • Have your book idea perfectly mapped out.
  • Have a huge platform or large audience.
  • Block out months in your calendar and disappear.


When you show up to write a book without a plan and without a supportive community, things start to get a little overwhelming.

And who do you turn to when you start grappling with all the big (and totally normal) questions, like:

  • Can I really write a unique book when so many people have already spoken about this topic?
  • Won’t writing for one audience limit my commercial appeal?
  • Will anyone take me seriously If I share some of my personal stories and don’t hide behind a ‘professional’ persona?
  • How do I make sure my book complements my business strategy?
  • How do I leverage my book and use it as a launchpad for other things?

From one business owner to another - we both know that running a business on your own is hard and lonely. Add to that the pressure of writing a book alone, and it can start to feel isolating.

And it all leads to unfocused action, wasted time, poor decision-making, and feelings of overwhelm and isolation. 

Whether you call yourself a thought leader, solopreneur or founder-led business owner, the struggles are all the same: Loneliness. Knowledge gaps. No peers or experts to turn to. Relentless distractions. Confusion about process. Fear of rejection.

What if you could solve all these problems in one place?

Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element

What you really need is these 3 pillars, and I can give them to you:

1. Community
A super engaged, intimate community where *you* matter, where everyone knows your name, and where you can give and receive value, guidance and support as you do the deep thinking and undergo the personal transformation.
2. Coaching
An immersive experience that brings together your story with the best of my decade+ experience, plus my network of publishing and industry professionals (that is impossible to come by anywhere else, thanks to a very closed publishing community).
3. Content
Proven strategies, tools and action steps that show how to plan, write, edit, publish and market your book, and how to avoid common mistakes that keep you stuck in aspiring (vs. published) author land.

The Expert Author Community is a 6-month container comprising course/curriculum, coaching and connections with industry professionals and other authors.

‍And it’s all designed to help action-takers who are ready to write, publish and market a brand-building book
. while feeling supported as they do it.   

Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element

What you get

Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element

An established and dynamic community with all the content, coaching, conversations and connections in ONE space

1. Community

Connected Community
in a distraction-free space
    “Just what I need - another Facebook group” said no one ever. Our community isn’t that - we’re hosted on Circle, for starters. And we’re member-led, meaning it’s a living, breathing reflection of everyone inside.
    Providing a private space for meaningful connection, conversation and growth is exactly why this community was created.

    In the words of one member, the community was “the 'secret sauce' to bringing a book I felt proud of into the world in a way that was infused with belonging, joy and lightness.”‍
    Community Co-writing
    facilitated by Event Host
    On the last Friday of each month, you’re invited to the Community Co-writing session, hosted by one of our Event Hosts.

    It works like this: we show up. Complete a warm-up exercise together, facilitated by one of our members. We verbalise an intention for the session. Turn off our cameras and set to work for 50-minutes, before debriefing at the end and going about our day. Sounds simple, right? Yet, they are also life-changing and life-saving!
    Focus Friends
    small-group support
    There’s nothing quite like having co-conspirators to stretch, challenge and support you. You’ll be matched with 2 or 3 accountability buddies who will help you move through all of the materials with help and support at every step (<< that’s priceless).
    With your Focus Friends, you’ll

    • Be able to track your progress and get support staying on top of your goals
    • Have a space to feel comfortable sharing your struggles, wins, and ideas
    • Get the chance to dive deep into each other’s processes and progress
      Be able to organise action-inspiring activities (like online and IRL meet-ups)
      Develop deeper friendships and connections
      Have the option to collaborate professionally, just like previous buddies have done
    Writing Sprints
    accountability on steroids!
    ANY member can run and host their own Writing Sprint session at ANY time - no special skills or set-up required. This means we have more sessions that suit different schedules and timezones. In addition, our Weekly Writing Sprint event is a firm community favourite, and involves timed bursts of focused writing (sans distractions) every day for a week.

    Writing sprints are a huge boost for writers with busy lives who love the accountability of rolling up their sleeves and doing things together
    Alumni Mentors,
    Event Hosts &
    Check-in Champions!
    Who better to support you on your journey than someone who has been there, not too long ago?

    Our Alumni Mentors, Event Hosts and Check-in Champions are successful members drawn from our community, and have a diverse range of skills and experience. You’ll get exclusive access to valuable insights from a network of professionals who are eager to share their wisdom and support you all the way.

    2. Coaching

    Open Book Coaching
    direct access to me
    The high-energy live community calls bring the magic to Expert Author Community.

    On the first Friday of every month, I answer real-time questions and facilitate discussions that give you what you need, in that moment, to move forward. Plus you’ll get face-to-face doses of education, inspiration, and well-timed nudges as you go through the transformational experience of becoming an author.
    Expert Publisher in Residence
    Alongside myself, you'll get exclusive access on the third Friday of every month to our Publishing Expert in Residence, Lou Johnson!

    To call Lou a powerhouse in the publishing industry is an understatement. She has an esteemed 30+ year career in top-tier positions at our biggest houses - Simon & Schuster, Random House, Allen & Unwin, Murdoch Books, and Miami-based Mango Publishing - and is now the Co-founder of Key People Literary Management.
    Expert Masterclasses
    hotline to industry leaders!
    This is your chance to get in a virtual room with a dream line-up of leading industry experts from across the globe.

    These experts either cost thousands of dollars to hire, have long work-with-me waiting lists, or don’t work directly with clients - and you’re getting front row access to them with Lou Johnson on the third Friday of every month. This is the kind of access money literally can’t buy.

    3. Content

    5 Phase Curriculum
    This is your roadmap for planning, writing, editing, designing, publishing and marketing your brand-building book.

    The content covers the same process I take my 1:1 clients through, so you can be sure you’re getting the very best of my experience as a book coach and editor. The recorded videos for each phase make the content easy to digest, and they’re all available as soon as you join.
    Training Library
    On-demand access to my curated library of coaching sessions and guest expert masterclasses (currently 60+). Consider it Netflix for authors. Past session topics have included:
    • How to become media ready to leverage your words and work
    • How to create an audiobook your listeners love and share
    • How to write a compelling author bio
      7 steps to write your best book cover blurb
      Analysing your author platform
      The key ingredients for a killer book title
    Resources and Templates
    An all-access pass to my done-for-you structural and writing templates, roadmaps, execution plans and transcripts to facilitate the right conversations with the right people.


    Access to my "little black book" of industry professionals and contacts. People I have used, and our authors trust, to put together high-quality work to make their book the best it can be. Think editors, designers, marketers, PR peeps and more - AND often with special perks and discounts, just by being part of this community.


    Never question what to do or when to do it again. My proven and practical project plan is all yours. It’s the same one I use with each and every client to fast-track their book.

    BOOK LAUNCH Tools, Tactics & SESSIONS

    Writing a book is one thing, but marketing it is another. That’s why you’ll receive specific help and support to market and sell yourself and your book. We showcase specific author case stories, host launch sessions with special guests, and provide templates that help to get yourself onto podcasts, set up a website that converts, and so much more.
    All these exclusive extras are waiting inside for you.
    Quote icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element

    Expert Author Community is like having a book coach in your backpocket, a safe space to untangle all your ideas, and a roadmap to guide you every step of the way.

    What you'll learn

    Let's look at the 5 phase curriculum

    The Expert Academy Resources by Book Coach Kelly Irving
    Adopt successful beliefs and
    behaviours to drive progress
    • Grow Self - Reinforce productive habits, behaviours and thinking so you thrive in the the rollercoaster of the creative journey
    • Engage Audience - Understand author platform and engagement to maximise your book launch’s impact
    • Maximise Time - Learn to set specific goals, milestones and strategies to deal with unexpected disruptions and roadblocks (because something will ALWAYS come up)

    By the end of Phase 1, all of your core habits and systems will be set up, and your confidence will be sky-high!

    Work out your unique value and selling point
    • Ask Why - Get crystal clear on your goals around writing your book - and how your book strategy will align with your business strategy or positioning
    • Find Who - Identify the best reader for your work to ensure your book forms the powerful centrepiece of your personal brand and business' product ecosystem
    • Know What - Work out your unique commercial value and selling point in the market

    By the end of Phase 2, you’ll be clear on how to communicate who you are, how you’re different, and the value you bring. You will have confidence that your book will support your broader commercial and marketing goals.

    Use The Write Book Method - a fail-proof roadmap for your book
    • Build Book - Learn the Write Book Method, a fail-proof roadmap for your book AND every chapter (once you learn it, you’ll use it for every book) ment of your book telling a cohesive story
    • Outline Chapters - Map out your book and chapter structure, keeping every element of your book telling a cohesive story
    • Do Top n Tail - Understand how to grip your reader from the start until the end

    By the end of Phase 3, you’ll have an outline for not just your book, but each and every chapter and you’ll know the goal for every single chapter BEFORE you start writing.

    Communicate your most powerful
    business message
    • Write Dirty - Communicate your most powerful message using the outline of your book
    • Edit Clean - Learn how to know what to cut, what to keep, and what to refine so you unscramble your ideas so that your IP is compelling and credible
    • Publish Strong - Understand the commercial world of the publishing industry so you can navigate it with ease and make wise decisions and business choices to design and publish your work (including some options you've probably never thought of)

    By the end of Phase 4, you will have distilled your IP into a marketable business message with commercial appeal. Plus, you’ll have a deep well of content to use on repeat in your business marketing materials (all those social media posts and signature talks have just written themselves!)

    Distribute and market your work
    • Prepare Focus - Create a marketing plan to get your book in front of the right people so you can leverage it for maximum ROI and results
    • Leverage Launch - Launch, distribute and market your work, while keeping your reader (and the value you offer them) front of mind
    • Expand Reach - Continue to plan and implement your book as part of a well-oiled sales funnel that grows your business for many years to come

    By the end of Phase 5, you will have a solid plan for pitching, publishing and marketing your book. You’ll know exactly how your book will work hard for you and lay the foundation revenue-generating opportunities.

    Mark landed strong offers in the five-figure range from two

    "Kelly understands what publishers are looking for in a proposal in terms of commercial viability and topics, she knows how to craft a proposal well, and her contacts in the publishing industry means she can get a proposal in front of the right people, quickly.

    Mark Wales Book Cover

    Mark Wales, Author of
    Survivor: Life in the SAS
    (Pan Macmillan)

    She understands the common errors new writers make, she educates you on the mechanics of storytelling and development of a protagonists arc. She is the best mix of a drill sergeant that will get the best from you, and an empathic writing peer that understands the process can be hard and solitary."

    Expert Author Community have been seen and heard in:

    “A highlight for me has been alleviating that feeling of loneliness and hearing that others live similar experiences of roadblocks and frustrations.”

    There’s something incredible about a group of switched-on people undergoing the same transformation and supporting one another along the way. You never know who you’ll meet and how they’ll impact your trajectory.

    We’ve had members:

    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      Join forces to launch their books
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      Co-host LinkedIn live sessions to leverage each other’s networks (for well over a year)
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      Pay each other to teach into their online programs
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      Develop new online offerings and services together
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      Guest on each other’s podcasts where they share their expertise and insights with each other’s audiences (--> a recipe for instant audience growth)

    Kelly understands her role beautifully – which is to guide the ‘expert’ (ie the author) through the structuring process of a book so the ‘non-expert’ (ie the reader) can ‘get’ the concepts quickly and easy. If you’re looking to have a book published, Kelly would be a great inclusion to have on your team.

    PATRICK HOLLINGWORTH published by John Wiley

    Quote icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Book Coach Kelly Irving Website ElementBook Coach Kelly Irving Website Element

    Want to hear from some of our members what it’s like having the support of the community?

    Here you go...

    1. The community support
    “Although I am writing this book alone, I have found that I am far from alone. Just like other parts of my life, I am best served where I have self-determination at play – an ability to work autonomously, build my competencies and have a sense of relatedness. Being a part of a group of creative thinkers, all driven to fulfil their desire to write their books for very different reasons, has helped me with all three.” 
    2. Focus Friends
    3. Writing sprints


    Yes, we’re based in Australia, but thanks to the wonders of the internet, we have members from across the world

    The Expert Author Academy Packages by Book Coach Kelly Irving
    Expert Author Academy
    Author Accelerate
    group plus 1:1
    limited 6 spots!
    Expert Author Academy Program (valued at $2997)
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    LIFETIME Fortnightly Group Coaching with me: workshops, Hot Seat Q/A, publishing industry guest experts and Community Member Spotlight (valued at $3997)
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    LIFETIME Exclusive members-only Accountability Community for regular support & feedback (valued at $997)
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Bonus Resources, inc. Bestselling Marketing Plan & Directory of Trusted Suppliers - aka my Little Black Book of industry contacts (valued at $4991)
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    All the videos, worksheets, execution plans & templates you'll ever need (priceless)
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Focus Friend (optional) to keep accountable to your goals with another author (priceless)
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    10 set, no-excuse deadlines to fast-track planning and writing your book in 4 months (priceless)
    Cross icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    4 x 25min VIP coaching and workshopping calls for personal one-on-one with my eyes on your stuff! (valued at $6780)
    Cross icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Personalised project plan to keep you accountable (valued at $997)
    Cross icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Advice on pitching to a publisher - I have NEVER had a book rejected (priceless)
    Cross icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
    Check icon - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element



    $297 AUD


    $7995 AUD

    Author Accelerate
    group plus 1:1  
    limited 6 spots!




    The community is led by me, Kelly Irving, with the strong support of our curated network of Alumni Mentors. Our mentors are on stand-by to share first-hand insights, open up conversations, build genuine connections with you, and help you push forward. They also run Masterclasses focused on your education, encouragement, and empowerment.

    Photo of Donna McGeorge
    Laetitia Andrac
    Holistic Coach, Speaker, Author of Light It
    Photo of Donna McGeorge
    Jacqui Clarke
    Speaker, coach, Author of Stop Worrying about Money
    Photo of Donna McGeorge
    Robert Andersson
    Serial entrepreneur, Author of Who Makes a Leader Not What
    Photo of Donna McGeorge
    Melo Calarco
    Coach, Speaker, Author of Beating Burnout Finding Balance
    Photo of Donna McGeorge
    Brenda James
    Facilitator, Leader, Author of Believe
    Photo of Donna McGeorge
    Michelle Scheibner
    Coach, TEDx Speaker, soon-to-be-published author

    Expert Author Community gives you everything you need to write, publish, and leverage your book to accelerate your business and personal evolution.

    Denise Collazo's book led to:

    • A $25M donation to fund the work of her organization
    • Growing her public profile and opening new doors
    • Invitations to keynote at major events
    • Funding for grassroots leadership initiatives for women of colour
    • Winning 3 awards at the International Latino Book Awards

    ‍Donna McGeorge’s books led to:

    • Delivering training, workshops and facilitation to corporates — including Nissan, Jetstar, Medibank Private and Ford
    • Designing a $150k program which was sold to 2 organisations
      Selling a $200k leadership program
    • Features in Harvard, Forbes, WHO Magazine, Today Show

    Keegan Luiters' book led to:

    • Tripling his income
    • Refining his offering
    • Landing international contracts
      Securing more senior engagements

    Ciara Lancaster's book led to:

    • Launching a succesful new business
    • Becoming an in-demand keynote speaker
    • #1 Bestseller in 2 catergories
    • Receiving a finalist medal in the 2021 Australian Career Book Awards

    Cassandra Goodman’s book led to:

    • Receiving a finalist medal in the 2021 Australian Business Book Awards in 2 categories
    • Becoming a keynote speaker and expert presenter
    • Freedom to choose who she works with (and how)
    • A stable portfolio of work for a new business

    And while publishing a book is why we’re all here, opportunities come *well before* the book.

    Even without a published book in hand, there are ways to start reaching a wider audience and getting in front of the right people. Like
.. using the book’s message as a foundation for your thought leadership platform and pulling out parts of your book to form your signature presentations.

    Just like author David Knoff did.

    Mark Wales Book Cover

    ‍He leveraged his book to position himself as an expert and sought-after speaker - before his best-selling book 537 Days of Winter was more than a couple of chapters long.

    “I wanted to transition to running leadership workshops and training and becoming a keynote speaker. I signed with Saxton speakers on the promise that there was a book on the horizon. Since the book, I get a lot more enquiries, a lot more opportunities, the audience is larger, and my product is better. The book has really launched me as an expert and a professional speaker and I wouldn’t be here without Kelly.”

    What if just one idea, connection, or skill in Expert Author Community led you to results like these

    • “I launched a podcast series“
    • "I’ve been invited to deliver a Tedx talk“
    • “I’ve been picked up to keynote a conference“
      “My program has been funded by the Government to be rolled out across Victorian schools”
      “My ideas have been featured internationally by Forbes, Harvard and WHO; I’ve been on top ranked podcasts, and invited on the Today Show”

    What would those changes be worth to you?

    Put another way, you *could* hire

    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      A business coach to help you map out your business growth (estimated $20k+)
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      A marketing and personal branding expert to develop your USP, messaging and positioning (estimated $10k+)
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      A social media specialist to create your content strategy (estimated $2k+)
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      A content writer to write your Thought Leadership content (estimated $1k+ per piece of content)
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      A speaking coach to distil your wealth of experience to its essence and then craft it into your inspiring signature talk (estimated $3k+)
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      A writing coach to help you write your first draft (estimated $4k+)
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      An editor to help you structure your work (estimated $4k+)
    • Check - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element
      A book marketing expert to help leverage your book (estimated $10k+)

    ‍You could work through all that 👆 stuff in one place, save $50k+, and start leveraging your ideas and expertise immediately.

    Sound like the kind of support, know-how and accountability you need to write and publish your book?

    I’m ready to bring ease and light into the process!

    Stories from the Expert Author Community

    Photo of Ciara Lancaster
    Ciara Lancaster
    Keynote speaker, Author
    of Reimagining Change
    "It was almost like doing an MBA in Australian non-fiction literature."
    For me, it was about ensuring I was working with some who is steeped in integrity and had a good reputation in the market. Writing a book using Kelly's method forced me to ..... dig and go deeper into my human psyche than I've ever gone before, knowing that the outcome would be massive value for my reader. The book has been a phenomenal experience.... for both myself, my clients and their teams.
    Photo of Donna McGeorge
    Donna McGeorge
    Speaker, Facilitator,
    Coach and Author of
    multiple books, including
    1 Day Refund (John Wiley)
    “On the back of ‘the 25 minute meeting’, my first book with Kelly, I sold a $200k leadership program. That was about 3 months after publishing. Within 3 months, I had made back my investment more than 10 times over.”
    I would recommend you hands down every time for people that want to have a commercially viable book. By the time you hold the manuscript in your hand, you won't remember any hesitation around money.
    Photo of Carolyn Ellis
    Carolyn Ellis
    Facilitator, Engagement
    Specialist, Leadership
    Trainer, author of Lead
    Conversations That Count
    "The value is in the confidence to writing your book, clarifying your position and value to your readers and market, and the speed with which you can make that all happen."
    The chapter outlines for the recommended structure of the book was a game-changer for me! You give us a clear and useful roadmap to make it possible in a fraction of the time it would have taken me otherwise. I have a track record of signing up for courses and then not applying them. I wasn't sure I could make it work, but you made it easy. And there's a lovely community of fellow authors working at the same time, so you feel a sense of camaraderie and support.
    Photo of Mark Berridge
    Mark Berridge
    Negotiation Consultant,
    Speaker, Author of A
    Fraction Stronger (2022
    release with Major Street
    "Kelly's online coaching sessions
    provided a lovely balance of information, experience and belief,
    including from the guests she
    invites to those sessions."
    As I skimmed through (the published manuscript), I felt just so happy with it. And proud. I read sections as I went, and wept more than I have for a long time. Believe me, it's real and it's still raw. Thank you Kelly for all you have done to enable and encourage my journey, and to the Expert Author Community that provided such great support as a few sparks of home became a publishable reality.
    Photo of Michael Shlosser
    Michael Schlosser
    Speaker, facilitator,
    business simulation expert,
    Author of Business Simulated:
    Stop Guessing, Start Testing
    "I struggle to think of things that would be more valuable than Kelly’s program, especially for a first time writer."
    I considered several options and even considered signing up for those “famous author doing masterclasses.” The problem with most programs is you never quite know what you’re going to get. Kelly’s program is clear and well articulated. The community and accountability was really valuable. What’s really important is a structure to get you started. All of a sudden I could turn all the junk I had written into something that made sense and was meaningful. It’s like a nice safety rail.

    Book Coach and Editor Kelly Irving

    In case we haven’t met, I’m Kelly Irving.

    Bestselling book coach, Australian Business Book
    Awards Judge and creator of Expert Author Community

    In case you couldn't tell, I'm creating a new experience for non-fiction authors. One that focuses on both the book AND the person writing it.

    It's wild out there. So much information, but little disruption. Plenty of chest-beating, but limited connection. Masses of messages, but minimal clarity. Lots of effort, but few results.

    I'm changing that, one book at a time.

    Imagine creating something that gets everyone talking about you and lining up to work with you. It's exactly what a strategically written book should do.
    And it's exactly what my approach has helped hundreds of authors do......create genuine connection and reader impact, all while powerfully marketing their business.

    The work we will do together in Expert Author Community is right at the intersection of strategic brand-building and transformative reader experiences.

    We're not just writing a book. We're building your
    brand. Claiming your intellectual property.
    Faithfully championing your work. And building
    relationships with your people.

    Image of Book Coach and Editor  Kelly Irving's name

    Books by Expert Author Community:

    Book cover of "Design Your Future" by Dominick Quartuccio
    Book cover of "Stories for Work" by Gabrielle Dolan
    Image of the book "Feedback Flow" by Georgia Murch
    Book cover of "The Languages of Leadership" by Wendy Born
    Book cover of "Xcelerate" by Paul Broadfoot
    Book cover of "Visual Thinking" by Emma Bannister
    Image of the book "Projectify" by Jeff Sdhwisow
    Book cover of "Unshakeable At Work" by Sue Anderson
    Book cover of "Smart Teams" by Dermot Crowley
    Book cover of "Visible" by Nicola Moras
    Book cover of "Buy-In" by Julia Steel
    Book cover of "The Entrepreneurial Clinician" by Jo Muirhead
    Book cover of "Creating a Customer Service Mindset" by Jaquie Scammell
    Book cover of "The First 2 Hours" by Donna McGeorge
    Book cover of "It's Who You Know" by Janine Garner
    Book cover of "Deep Listening" by Oscar Trimboli
    Book cover of "Career Leap" by Michelle Gibbings
    Book cover of "Blind Spots" by Bec Brideson
    Book cover of "Cultivating Curiosity" by Evette Cordy
    Book cover of "The 25 Minute Meeting" by Donna McGeorge
    Book cover of "Bad Boss" by Michelle Gibbings
    Book cover of "On Purpose Leadership" by Dominick QuartuccioBook cover of "The Essential Guide For Are Leaders in Retail" by Alison Crabb
    Photo of Mark Berridge
    Verena Voelter, MD
    Change Agent in Healthcare,
    Author of It Takes Five To Tango
    "I had bought a book about 'how to write a book' which doesn't even get close to the quality of Kelly's content."
    I had struggled with not feeling comfortable with writing and not knowing how to best structure my content. The coaching sessions were definitely worth the investment. Another highlight for me has been alleviating that feeling of loneliness and hearing that others live similar experiences of roadblocks and frustrations. Plus, Kelly’s positive attitude is contagious.
    Photo of Mark Berridge
    Cassandra Goodman
    Self-Fidelity Pioneer & Guide,
    Author of Self-Fidelity
    "Every copy of my book is a seed I’ve planted that will bloom in the future. There’s only upsides from here. And then to have my book awarded a finalist medal in two categories feels amazing. My very first book held its own against 100 other books that had the support of top publishers. Only a well-crafted book can do that."
    My book codified what I do by converting abstract ideas into something applicable and practical. It acts as my manifesto; a written account of what I stand for in the world and what I can share with others. Now I feel emboldened to be more discerning about the work I want to be doing, knowing that I have the credibility and reach to support me. Another big shift from working with Kelly was taking that power back and trusting my own voice. In my early iterations, I had been giving my power away by defaulting to quoting established authors. 

    Expert Author Community is not a course, although it's packed with learning materials. And it's not just a community, although support, discovery and real exchanges are a huge part of what we offer.

    Writing a book asks a lot of you - the magic happens in the personal and professional discovery. And it’s exactly this deep work that leads to

    • ‍Claiming your IP: And people know that if they like your approach and ideas, they can only get it from you.
    • SO. MANY. LEADS: People are filling up your inbox and agreeing to your premium after finding your book, hearing you share your value on a podcast, or reading about you in a national publication.
    • Unshakable confidence: You have a message with clarity, authority and interest and you’re making it easy for people to know what you stand for.
      Being seen as a go-to authority with something unique and powerful to say: You have a press kit featuring the publications you’ve been in, the podcasts you’ve guested on, and a highlight reel of incredible book reviews.
      A fully leveraged book: The book you wrote has become one of your key assets to market yourself for more speaking gigs, TV interviews, business opportunities and more.

    In other words, Expert Author Community doesn’t just help you ‘do’ something. You’re also getting a SPACE to tap into your own creativity and thrive through the EXPERIENCE of writing a book. ‍Because what you get by achieving your goals is not nearly as important as what you become by achieving your goals.

    Nodding along and wanting all that for yourself?

    Sounds like you’d be a great fit!

    Count me IN!

    If you're having a little tug o' war with yourself right
    now, this might help....

    Exclamation point - Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element


    Sometimes the only way to really know whether a community is the right fit
    for is to meet our members

    ‍Let us know if you'd like to chat to someone, because if you still think you'd like to go it alone, remember....

    Sounds like a fair dealYep, let's shake on it
    Book Coach Kelly Irving Website Element

    If you don’t join Expert Author Community before that timer hits zero, here’s what happens...

    1 Week from now....

    You’ll realise you missed your chance to get out of the cycle you’re in. You’ll acknowledge that you’re still not achieving your full potential and – because you’re so ambitious and so, so capable – that realisation will hurt. *Sigh*

    4 weeks from now...

    Nothing has changed. Literally nothing. Your writing has taken a backseat because you don’t know how to establish good writing habits, you don’t know how to stay on track, and there’s no one to keep you accountable or motivated. The good news? Your clients are still loving the amount of focus you give them and their priorities.

    ‍6 months from now...

    While you’re still fiddling with your positioning and social media content, you watch your peers (the ones who very wisely joined Expert Author Community six months before) fly past you. You’ll wonder why and how they’re doing it. They're appearing on podcasts, delivering guest training, and showing up visibly as the experts they are.


    You make some progress but it’s not the progress you wanted. Your peers are posting about book deals, sharing their launch dates and updating their LinkedIn bios to ‘author’. 

    And maybe you’ve even sunk tens of thousands of dollars into coaches, consultants and specialists to do the things that we would have covered together inside Expert Author Community. And still, that vision you have to become a published author and reap all the business benefits a book brings is
.. well, it’s still just a vision. 
    Suddenly, $2997 seems like such a reasonable investment.

    The truth is...you’ve already been doing the work.

    But you’ve been doing it alone and without really enjoying the process. Joining this community is just the next natural step for you.

    And even though you feel slightly uncomfortable, you know it’s that exciting-pre-growth kind of uncomfortable that makes an appearance every time something life-changing is about to happen. It's actually a great place to be in.

    The most difficult part of all is deciding to act. The rest just falls into place.

    Let's tackle your questions.....

    What if I've got no book idea or I've started writing already?

    We meet you where you’re at. We've had people join the EAC with absolutely no idea of what their book would be about and others with the makings of a draft book. As long as you want all the opportunities that come with writing a non-fiction book, you’re in the right place.

    When does this start?

    Applications open on 9th May 2024, in preparation for program kick-off on 7th June. We begin with a Welcome Session that is designed to settle you in, show you how everything works, how to best manage your time and, of course, give you an opportunity to meet some other members.

    How many people are in the group?

    We have about 100 members in the Expert Author Community and have over 100 books published from authors that Kelly Irving has coached through the same materials. Expect around 35-40 community members on the live coaching sessions, with opportunities for smaller breakout rooms. Sometimes less, sometimes a little more if it's an event. Our sessions are dynamic and interactive, so no one gets lost or feels overwhelmed. One of our amazing benefits is the safe judgement-free space we’ve created. You also can opt-in to additional small group Focus Friends for even more intimate conversation and support, and member-led Writing Sprint sessions. You are important to us.

    Will I need to invest in other services to create and launch my book?

    The short answer is: yes. You will need to consider costs like hiring an editor, designer, printer, publisher, and marketer. We can’t tell you exactly how much those will be since every author’s writing and publishing choices are different. But we do discuss this a lot in the group and work to create and share guides for everyone based on their budget. What we can tell you is that members save thousands of dollars from getting their manuscript into great shape from the program. AND you will have access to our Trusted People & Perks, which are vetted suppliers and providers who offer special discounts for our members.

     What’s a rough idea of the commitment needed to get a book done?

    On average, it’ll take 4-6 dedicated months to get a book from initial idea to final edit. We map out the entire process by weekly tasks in the Maximise Time section of the curriculum, so you hit the milestones toward your target. As a guide, at first, you'll only need a couple of hours a week to work on materials, then when you start writing, you’ll get best results if you can allocate 5-7 hours per week. The Expert Author Community is designed for busy professionals who are delivering client work, but still keeps the pressure on to ensure you do the work.

    You do not need to come to everything or every session live and many of our members stay in the community for much longer than 1 intake. There will be times when "stuff happens" and deadlines could possibly slip. You can dip in, and dip out of sessions as you choose and stay in the community without renewing through our Legacy option. And there are always opportunities to reconnect with the materials and the members.

    How fast can I complete my book?

    You have the flexibility to make progress as quickly as you like, according to your own schedule. We’ve had people picked up by a publisher in a few weeks from joining, people who have written their books in just 8 weeks and those who like to take much longer and enjoy the ride! Remember, you can dip in, and dip out, of sessions as you choose. You are not expected to turn up to every session - pick what suits you and when! If you get your book written quicker, then you have more time to focus on and get support with your launch.

     I’m not sure if now is the right time - can I wait until next time?

    While I would never talk someone into doing this if they didn't really want to, just know that there is never really a "right time" to write your book. In my honest experience, it's the people who have some hesitation, who doubt "can I really do this" that actually make the best members and go on to have the most fun and success!

    So you can wait until next week/ year/ lifetime or our next intake (June) to write and publish a book. Or, you could ask yourself whether this👇 stuff can wait?

    • That moment when a publisher leaves just ONE comment on your pitch and it reads, “Love it. Here’s a publishing contract”
    • The moment you start selling your methodology, insight, or framework and spark deep transformation in your readers
    • Invitations to keynote at events and speak on podcasts
      Landing on your business message and developing a wellspring of reusable content
      Cementing your credibility and scaling your business
      Hearing that respected leaders and experts recommend your book or want you at their gig

    Can I work with Kelly 1:1?

    The Expert Author Community does NOT include direct 1:1 coaching with Kelly, but is the ideal first step to get you prepared for any kind of 1:1 coaching (whether you continue on with Kelly or any book coach). All of the materials EAC authors gain access to through the intake support the creation of the necessary artefacts needed for most book coaches to take on author clients. So, Kelly designed the Expert Author Community as an opportunity for authors to complete the prerequisite work before kicking off with a 1:1 coach and providing a leg up on access to the resources and materials to set them up for success. 

    Kelly does take on some 1:1 clients, but prioritises her EAC members and has a waitlist of clients. Since the price point for the EAC intake is comparable to only a X session with Kelly, she recommends aspiring authors to join the EAC and create those needed artefacts before crossing the bridge to 1:1 work. Joining and completing these materials through The Expert Author Community means you get more bang for your buck in the long run, and you get to test out the EAC  book writing process in preparation of working with Kelly more intensely. We also have exclusive coaches offered only to community members for an additional investment.

     What happens at the end of the program?

    The community is a 6-month experience to keep you supported, but deadline driven (we'd be doing you a disservice otherwise). Once the time is up, we invite you to stay on to access the live coaching, at a heavily discounted price so you can keep learning and leveraging the hell out of your work.

    The resources, worksheets, templates and processes can be used time and time again for each and every book, long after your time in the Expert Author Community. We never just kick you out and sever our relationship. You are important to us and will continue to be long after our time together.

     Will the live coaching sessions work for my time zone?

    We are a global group of authors, spread out in nearly every continent. As such, we have Focus Friends, and Alumni Mentors on hand to support you based on your location. Member-led sessions and live coaching sessions are scheduled taking into account different timezones. We have global guests so times/dates of some sessions may change to accommodate them.

    To ensure we have a variety of different access points for different schedules and timezones, we encourage members to host their own 1-hour Writing Sprint sessions. These are so easy to set up and require absolutely no experience or specialist skills. All you have to do is pick a date and time that suits you and other peers will jump into your session and work with you.

    In any case... 

    • The core training is pre-recorded, so you watch in your own time
    • You'll have constant access to Kelly via circle DMs, our coaches and your fellow authors in the private community where your timezone doesn't matter
    • You’ll be put into a Focus Friend pod that suits your location and timezone
      You’ll be assigned an Alumni Mentor, who will support you via monthly touch bases async who’s been in your exact shoes before
      All live calls and sessions will be recorded so you never miss a thing (and you'll be able to submit any questions ahead of time)
      Our members come from across the globe and run writing sessions to suit different timezones (and these are recorded, too).

    The money is a sticking point - do you have payment plans?

    If the pay-in-full price tag isn’t doable, you can opt for the 4-month payment plan. If that's an issue, I encourage you to privately reach out to me. I don’t ever want to place you in financial stress and am sure we can work something out that makes you feel good about joining us.

    How do I know if this will be worth it?

    Time for some basic maths. Here are 3 ways you could leverage your book and 10x your investment:
    1. Create a signature program, based on your methodology which you’ve codified as part of writing your book, and sell that for $2000 to 10 people

    2. Sign on one client for a high ticket consulting package

    3. Land 4 speaking gigs at $5k each

    Can I chat to a previous member about their experience?

    Of course, that's why the best thing to do is Express your Interest and then come to our free Open House in May 2024! You can learn more about us, and we can learn more about you and your goals and how we can help. You'll have the opportunity to meet and greet current members so you can determine if we're the right fit for you. Otherwise, send us a message and we’ll put you in touch with someone in your industry and/or your timezone.

    Ready to write your book with the support of a vibrant, global community?